| 01704-058797 | 01886-984717

Privacy & Policy

  1. Antora Marriage Media's Membership is for one year and its Membership fee' is Non- Refundable. After one year, if you want to be with the media again, you will need to renew which is half of the 'Membership fee'.
  2. Confidential, Safe and secure. 100% privacy guaranteed.
  3. After membership, Antora Marriage media will provide Bio-data & photograph of some brides/grooms as per your demand. You will choose from here as per your choice.
  4. If the 'marriage' is complete through ‘Antora Marriage media' , then both parties must give 'Wedding service charge' within a week of marriage in accordance with the written agreement. If any party refuses to pay service charges, then Antora Authority will have the right to take legal action.
  5. Antora ‘Marriage Media will propose to you on behalf of the bride/groom as per your choice. If agreed with anybody after the proposal, then media will create the opportunity of meeting and discussion with Guardians of both parties including Bride/groom only. The 'Antora' Marriage Media will continue to try for you for one year until your perfect matching is complete.
  6. After Meeting If anybody likes you and you like him/her, then Antora marriage media will provide full bio-data & photograph including address to both parties as per your giving information to the media. If you are satisfied after inquiry and move to your marriage procedure, thereafter 'Antora ' Marriage Media will not be Liable/responsible for any kind of unexpected occurrence.
  7. After membership with Antora Marriage Media '- if your Marriage is executed out of 'Antora Marriage Media', or if you think that you should not execute the marriage procedure with 'Antora' - at that moment if you want to withdraw your photographs and bio-data then 'Antora Marriage media' will give you back when you need it. In these circumstances, you cannot claim membership fees. If you want Antora Media to work for you again, you need to be a new member again.
  8. No Marriage Media can confirm any marriage. Birth, death, and marriage are in the hands of Allah. We can not guarantee marriage, but we guarantee the bride and groom's meeting with each other. It is possible to marry if only both sides prefer each other. If a bride/groom does not like your CV even after your long-time membership, then in this situation, the 'Antora Marriage Media' will continue to make sincere efforts for you until someone is selected for you. These efforts only for One year.
  9. If 'ENGAGEMENT' happens with the consent of both parties and they make delay to fix the date of marriage due to personal problems. in that case, 'Antora' authorities' will wait for 'three months' from the date of 'engagement date' to 'wedding date'. If your marriage is not complete during the mentioned time, the Antora Marriage Media will no longer wait for the marriage date. In that case, Marriage service charge must be paid to Antora Marriage Media by both parties due to after three months. Now by understanding and acknowledging all the above policies, terms and conditions, I have accepted the membership of this organization and signed the written agreement with 'Antora Marriage Media - Authority' .
